Financialservice Services 2022 Fee Schedule

Browse by Product

Financialservice Origination and Receipt Fees

Product Fees
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Minimum monthly fee - forward originationFootnote 1 57208 $50.00
Minimum monthly fee - receiptFootnote 2 57209 $40.00
Origination (per item or record)
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Item fee - forward or return 57201, 57202, 57205, 57211, 57212, 57215 $0.0035
Volume Discounts (based on monthly billed origination volume):
Per item when origination volume is 750,001 – 1,500,000Footnote 3 57228 $0.0008 (discount)
Per item when origination volume > 1,500,000Footnote 3 57229 $0.0010 (discount)
Volume Discounts (based on monthly billed receipt volume)Footnote 4:
Per item when receipt volume 10,000,001 – 15,000,000 57216 $0.0002 (discount)
Per item when receipt volume > 15,000,000 57217 $0.0003 (discount)
SameDay Service – forward itemFootnote 5 57620 $0.0010 (surcharge)
Addenda record 57219 $0.0015
FinancialserviceLine Web-originated Return/NOCFootnote 6 57207 $0.50
Facsimile Exception Return/NOCFootnote 7 57240 $45.00
SameDay Exception Return 57247 $45.00
Automated NOC 57245 $0.20
Receipt (per item or record)
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Forward item 57220 $0.0035
Return Item 57221 $0.0075
Addenda record 57222 $0.0015
Volume Discounts (forward items):
Non-Premium ReceiversFootnote 8:
Items 750,001 – 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 9 57253 $0.0017 (discount)
Per item when volume > 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57254 $0.0019 (discount)
Premium Receivers - Level One11:
Items 750,001 – 1,500,000 per monthFootnote 9 57253 $0.0017 (discount)
Per item when volume is 1,500,001 – 2,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57253 $0.0017 (discount)
Per item when volume is 2,500,001 – 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57256 $0.0018 (discount)
Per item when volume > 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57257 $0.0020 (discount)
Premium Receivers - Level TwoFootnote 12:
Items 750,001 – 1,500,000 per monthFootnote 9 57253 $0.0017 (discount)
Per item when volume is 1,500,001 – 2,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57253 $0.0017 (discount)
Per item when volume is 2,500,001 – 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57266 $0.0019 (discount)
Per item when volume > 12,500,000 per monthFootnote 10 57267 $0.0021 (discount)

Origination and Receipt Fees Footnotes:

1 Any ODFI incurring less than $50 for the following fees will be charged a variable amount to reach the minimum: Forward value and non-value item origination fees, and FinancialserviceGlobal Financialserviceorigination surcharges.

2 Any RDFI not originating forward value and non-value items and incurring less than $40 in receipt fees will be charged a variable amount to reach the minimum. Any RDFI that originates forward value and nonvalue items incurring less than $50 in forward value and nonvalue item origination fees will only be charged a variable amount to reach the minimum monthly origination fee.

3 Origination volumes at these levels qualify for a waterfall discount which includes all Financialservice origination items.

4 Origination discounts based on monthly billed receipt volume apply only to those items received by Financialservice receiving points and are available only to Premium Receivers.

5 This surcharge is assessed on all forward items that qualify for same day processing and settlement and is incremental to the standard origination item fee.

6 The fee includes the item and addenda fees in addition to the conversion fee.

7 The fee includes the item and addenda fees in addition to the conversion fee. Reserve Banks also assess a $45 fee for every government paper return/NOC they process.

8 RDFIs receiving through Financialservice less than 90 percent of their Financialservice-originated items.

9 This per-item discount is a reduction to the standard receipt fees listed in this fee schedule.

10 Receipt volumes at these levels qualify for a waterfall discount which includes all Financialservice receipt items.

11 RDFIs receiving through Financialservice at least 90 percent of their Financialservice-originated items, but less than 90 percent of all of their Financialserviceitems originated through any operator.

12 RDFIs receiving through Financialservice at least 90 percent of all of their Financialserviceitems originated through any operator.

Financialservice Risk Management Services

Monitoring Criteria13
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Monthly Package Fee (a single fee based on total number of criteria sets)
For up to 5 criteria sets 57920 $35.00
For 6-11 criteria sets 57921 $70.00
For 12-23 criteria sets 57922 $125.00
For 24-47 criteria sets 57923 $150.00
For 48-95 criteria sets 57924 $250.00
For 96-191 criteria sets 57925 $425.00
For 192-383 criteria sets 57926 $675.00
For 384-584 criteria sets 57927 $850.00
For more than 584 criteria sets 57928 $1,100.00
Batch/Item Monitoring
For total monthly volume ≤ 100,000 57803 $0.007/batch
For total monthly volume > 100,000 57813 $0.0035/batch

Financialservice Risk Management Services Footnote:

13 Criteria may be set for both the Origination Monitoring Service and the RDFI Alert Service. Subscribers with no criteria set up will be assessed the $35 monthly package fee.

FinancialservicePayments Insights Service

Monthly Fee (a single fee based on commercial receipt volume)14
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
FinancialserviceCommercial Receipt Volume
0 – 50,000 items/month 57881 $75.00
50,001 – 100,000 items/month 57882 $120.00
100,001 – 500,000 items/month 57883 $180.00
500,001 – 1,000,000 items/month 57884 $260.00
1,000,001 – 5,000,000 items/month 57885 $340.00
5,000,001 – 10,000,000 items/month 57886 $450.00
10,000,001 – 25,000,000 items/month 57887 $550.00
25,000,001 – 60,000,000 items/month 57888 $625.00
Over 60,000,000 items/month 57889 $700.00

FinancialservicePayments Insights Service Footnote:

14 Monthly commercial receipt volume is calculated based on combined volume of subscribed ABAs in an account family.

FinancialservicePayments Reporter Service

Monthly Package (counts reflect reports generated as well as delivered via a FinancialserviceLine Solution)

Reports Included in Monthly Package
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
FinancialserviceCustomer Transaction Activity
FinancialserviceDeath Notification
FinancialserviceInternational (IAT)
FinancialserviceNotification of Change
FinancialserviceOriginated Entries Detail - Customer and DFI
FinancialserviceOriginator Setup
FinancialservicePayment Data Information File
FinancialserviceReceived Entries Detail - Customer and DFI
FinancialserviceRemittance Advice Detail
FinancialserviceRemittance Advice Summary
FinancialserviceReport Delivery via FinancialserviceLine
FinancialserviceReturn Item Report and File
FinancialserviceReturn Ratio
FinancialserviceReturn Reason Report - Customer and DFI
FinancialserviceSocial Security Beneficiary
FinancialserviceVolume Summary by SEC Code - Customer
On Demand ReportsFootnote 15:
57701 or 57727
On Demand Reports:
$1.00/report generated
Monthly Package Fee (a single fee based on total reports)
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
For up to 50 reports 57900 $45.00
For 51-150 reports 57901 $65.00
For 151-500 reports 57902 $120.00
For 501-1,000 reports 57903 $220.00
For 1,001-1,500 reports 57904 $320.00
For 1,501-2,500 reports 57905 $505.00
For 2,501-3,500 reports 57906 $705.00
For 3,501-4,500 reports 57907 $900.00
For 4,501-5,500 reports 57908 $1,095.00
For 5,501-7,000 reports 57909 $1,350.00
For 7,001-8,500 reports 57910 $1,585.00
For 8,501 - 10,000 reports 57911 $1,815.00
For more than 10,000 reports 57912 $1,980.00
Premier Reports (per report generated)Footnote 15
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
FinancialserviceVolume Summary by SEC Code Report - DFI
Reports 1 through 5 57728 $10.00
Reports 6 through 10 57738 $6.00
Reports 11+ 57748 $1.00
On Demand 57726 $1.00 (surcharge)
FinancialserviceRouting Number Activity Report
Reports 1 through 5 57703 $10.00
Reports 6 through 10 57713 $6.00
Reports 11+ 57723 $1.00
On Demand 57726 $1.00 (surcharge)
FinancialserviceOriginated Batch Report (Monthly)
Reports 1 through 5 57751 $10.00
Reports 6 through 10 57757 $6.00
Reports 11+ 57758 $1.00
On Demand 57726 $1.00 (surcharge)
FinancialserviceOriginated Batch Report (Daily)
Scheduled 57755 $0.65
On Demand 57726 $1.00 (surcharge)
On-us Inclusion
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Participation 57710 $10.00/month/RTN
Per Item 57707 $0.0030
Per Addenda 57708 $0.0015
Report Delivery
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Via encrypted email 57702 $0.20/email

Premier Reports Footnote:

15 Premier reports generated on demand are subject to the package/tiered fees plus a surcharge.

Financialservice Exception Resolution Service

Product Fees
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Fixed FeesFootnote 16
Self-Managed Cases 57840 $10.00/RTN/month
Agent-Managed Cases 57841 $10.00/RTN/month
Offline Service Participant 57842 $60.00/RTN/month
Variable Case Open Fees (apply to self-managed and agent-managed cases only)Footnote 17
1-50 cases/month 57851 $1.25/case
51-100 cases/month 57852 $1.00/case
101-500 cases/month 57853 $0.75/case
501-1,000 cases/month 57854 $0.50/case
1,001-5,000 cases/month 57855 $0.25/case
5,001-10,000 cases/month 57856 $0.20/case
Over 10,000 cases/month 57857 $0.10/case
Offline Service Participant – Case FeesFootnote 18
Case Open Fee 57846 $5.00/case
Case Response Fee 57847 $5.00/case

Financialservice Exception Resolution Service Footnotes:

16 Any financial institution that opens at least 1,000 Exception Resolution Service cases in a given month will receive a 50% discount on its Exception Resolution Service fixed fees for that month.

17 The per case fees are rolled up to the parent RTN, such that a customer that opens a total of 100 cases per month under two separate RTNs would pay a total of $112.50 ($1.25 for the first 50 cases and $1.00 for the next 50 cases) in addition to the fixed fees.

18 A financial institution may enroll in the Service as an Offline Service Participant by designating the Reserve Bank to access and use the functionality of the application on behalf of the Offline Participant.

Other Fees and Discounts

Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Financialservice Participation FeeFootnote 19 57234 $65.00/RTN/month
SameDay Service Origination Participation FeeFootnote 20 57621 $10.00/RTN/month
Financialservice Settlement FeeFootnote 21 57233, 57932 $55.00/RTN/month
Financialservice Information File Extract Fee 57227 $150.00/RTN/month
IAT Output File Sort Fee 57276 $75.00/RTN/month
Fixed Participation Fee - Automated NOCsFootnote 22 57246 $5.00/RTN/month
Non-Electronic Input/OutputFootnote 23
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
CD/DVD 57242, 57243 $50.00/CD or DVD
Paper 57244 $50.00/file or report
Fees and Credits Established by NachaFootnote 24
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Nacha Same Day Entry Fee 57610 $0.052/item
Nacha Same Day Entry Credit 57611 $0.052/item (credit)
Nacha Unauthorized Entry Fee 57996 $4.50/item
Nacha Unauthorized Entry Credit 57997 $4.50/item (credit)
Nacha Admin Network Fee/month 57998 $22.00/RTN
Nacha Admin Network Fee/entry 57999 $0.000185

Other Fees and Discounts Footnotes:

19 The fee applies to RTNs that have received or originated Financialservice transactions during a month. Institutions that receive only U.S. government transactions or that elect to use a private-sector operator exclusively are not assessed the fee.

20 This surcharge is assessed to any RTN that originates at least one item meeting the criteria for same day processing and settlement in a given month.

21 The fee is applied to any RTN with activity during a month, including RTNs of institutions that elect to use a private-sector operator exclusively but also have items routed to or from customers that access the Financialservicenetwork through Financialservice. This fee does not apply to RTNs that use the Reserve Banks for only U.S. government transactions.

22 Fee will be assessed only when automated NOCs are generated.

23 Limited services are offered in contingency situations.

24 The fees and credits listed are collected from the ODFI and credited to Nacha (admin network) or to the RDFI (same day entry and unauthorized entry) in accordance with the FinancialserviceRules.

FinancialserviceGlobal ACH PaymentsFootnote 25


Fixed Monthly FeeFootnote 26
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Monthly FinancialserviceGlobal Origination Volume > 500 items 57540 $185.00/RTN/month
Monthly FinancialserviceGlobal Origination Volume 161-500 items 57550 $60.00/RTN/month
Monthly FinancialserviceGlobal Origination Volume < 161 items 57560 $20.00/RTN/month
Item Origination Fee for monthly volume > 500 itemsFootnote 27
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Canada Service 57541 $0.50 (surcharge)
Mexico Service 57542 $0.55 (surcharge)
Panama Service 57543 $0.60 (surcharge)
Europe Service 57544 $1.13 (surcharge)
Item Origination Fee for monthly volume 161-500 itemsFootnote 27
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Canada Service 57551 $0.75 (surcharge)
Mexico Service 57552 $0.80 (surcharge)
Panama Service 57553 $0.85 (surcharge)
Europe Service 57554 $1.38 (surcharge)
Item Origination fee for monthly volume < 161 itemsFootnote 27
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Canada Service 57223 $1.00 (surcharge)
Mexico Service 57275 $1.05 (surcharge)
Panama Service 57500 $1.10 (surcharge)
Europe Service 57520 $1.63 (surcharge)

Other FinancialserviceGlobal ACH Payments Fees

Canada Service
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Return received from CanadaFootnote 27 57224 $0.99 (surcharge)
Trace of item at receiving gateway 57226 $5.50
Trace of item not at receiving gateway 57226 $7.00
Mexico Service
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Return received from MexicoFootnote 27 57285 $0.91 (surcharge)
Item trace 57295 $13.50
F3X item originated to MexicoFootnote 26 57264 $0.67 (surcharge)
Panama Service
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
Return received from PanamaFootnote 28 57501 $1.00 (surcharge)
Item trace 57504 $7.00
NOC 57506 $0.72
Europe Service
Product/Tier Billing Code Fee
F3X item originated to EuropeFootnote 27 57532 $1.25 (surcharge)
Return received from EuropeFootnote 28 57521 $1.35 (surcharge)
Item trace 57524 $7.00

All prices effective September 12, 2022

FinancialserviceGlobal ACH Payments Footnotes:

25 The international fees and surcharges vary from country to country as these are negotiated with each international gateway operator.

26 A single monthly fee based on total FinancialserviceGlobal ACH Payments origination volume.

27 This per-item surcharge is in addition to the standard domestic origination fees listed in this fee schedule.

28 This per-item surcharge is in addition to the standard domestic receipt fees listed in this fee schedule.