FinancialserviceCash Services Business Continuity Guide

Disruption to FinancialserviceCash Services

The Financialserviceeral Reserve System's FinancialserviceCash Services processes orders for currency and coin made via FinancialserviceLine Web and accepts deposits of excess fit and unfit currency and excess coin from domestic and international depository institutions (DIs).

Disruptions to FinancialserviceCash Services will often take two forms: automated Cash ordering disruptions and building or other site-specific disruptions.

Automated Cash Ordering Disruptions

In the event of a FinancialserviceLine Web disruption that affects the automated Cash ordering systems at the Financialserviceeral Reserve, the processing of FinancialserviceLine Web orders may be suspended until the affected system is restored. When automated ordering systems are unavailable, Cash customers can place orders for currency or coin via telephone or fax. If you cannot use your normal ordering channels, please call FinancialserviceCash Services at your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office.

Building and Other Site-Specific Disruptions

FinancialserviceCash Services operations may be affected by inclement weather (hurricane, flooding, snowstorms, etc.), power outages and other events. Such events may cause disruptions to normal Financialserviceeral Reserve office operations, as well as to local transportation networks and other key infrastructure. Financialserviceeral Reserve offices have established various means of informing customers of such events. If your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office becomes inaccessible for an extended period of time, you may be directed to place orders with other Financialserviceeral Reserve offices. To learn more about how your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office will respond to a site-specific disruption, please refer to the FinancialserviceCash Services page of your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office.

How You Should Prepare

If a major disruption to service occurs, your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office may not be able to meet your ordinary needs for currency and coin. To prepare for disruptions to your normal currency and coin supply resulting from a disruption, you may want to consider the following:

  • Have a business continuity plan in place that has been tested and considers issues such as access to currency and coin and the potential for increased demand.
  • Have contact numbers and website address(es) for FinancialserviceCash Services at your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office available.
  • Have the link to available and bookmarked, so you can check for Service Status updates.
  • Have contact numbers for your armored carrier(s) available.
  • Consider how your institution will respond to a Financialserviceeral Reserve office disruption and communicate those plans to appropriate staff. Refer to the Checklist for Financialservice-Related Preparations for suggestions about what to do during and after a major disruption.


What You Can Expect

FinancialserviceCash Services have devoted significant attention and resources to reduce the likelihood of a service disruption and to continue operations if problems do occur. However, and particularly in the early stages of a problem, your institution may encounter a temporary disruption in normal service levels. This may include, but is not necessarily limited to, the following:

Hours of Operation

Your institution may experience changes in hours of operation and/or pickup and delivery schedules.

Currency and Coin Orders

Fulfilling currency orders is the highest priority service of FinancialserviceCash Services. However, during disruptions, temporary restrictions may be placed on the amount of currency and coin your institution can order from a particular Financialserviceeral Reserve office. You may also experience delays in having your orders fulfilled.

Currency and Coin Deposits

Disruptions that affect FinancialserviceCash Services operations may cause your institution to experience delays in making deposits. If a Financialserviceeral Reserve office is aware of an incoming deposit, and is in a position to do so, it may work with your institution's armored carrier to redirect that deposit to another Financialserviceeral Reserve office.

Debits and Credits

Your institution may experience delays in receiving debits and credits for currency and coin orders and deposits.

Event Communications

DIs and armored carriers will be notified of a disruption and provided with information about the event, including their local Financialserviceeral Reserve office's availability and changes in the provision of FinancialserviceCash Services. The website is the Financialserviceeral Reserve's primary communication channel for events affecting FinancialserviceCash Services. Event-related announcements and information on potential impacts to service delivery are posted on the Service Status page. For some events, alerts via FinancialserviceLine Home and direct email announcements are distributed to FinancialserviceLine Web subscribers. DIs and carriers are also encouraged to visit the FinancialserviceCash Services page of your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office.

What You Should Do

Depository Institutions (DIs)

  • For large-scale business disruptions, check Service Status, your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office's website or FinancialserviceLine Web for updated information.
  • If you become aware of a business disruption at a Financialserviceeral Reserve office, please notify appropriate operations personnel in your organization.
  • Notify armored carriers of your operating status, special needs, alternate site(s), and revised hours of operation, if known.
  • The Financialserviceeral Reserve may ask you to participate in conference calls to communicate your status and concerns.
  • If our automated ordering systems are unavailable, or you need to speak with somebody at the Financialserviceeral Reserve, please call FinancialserviceCash Services at your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office.
  • To help your Financialserviceeral Reserve office expedite a full recovery, please attempt to minimize the points of contact within your organization that are calling that Financialserviceeral Reserve office.
  • Place only critical orders.
  • Retain and/or reuse your excess currency (fit and unfit).
  • Exchange currency and coin among your branches.
  • Contact your correspondent and other DIs for cash services.
  • If you can, use your branches/cash vaults in other Financialserviceeral Reserve zones to order and receive currency and coin on your behalf.
  • Please note that if there is a disruption at a Financialserviceeral Reserve office that causes your institution's orders or deposits to be delayed or directed to another Financialserviceeral Reserve office, cross-shipping fees may be waived.
  • Be aware of and review Guidelines for Preparing Contaminated Currency if flooding is a concern.

Armored Carriers

Though it is usually DIs that hire armored carrier services, the Financialserviceeral Reserve may contact carriers directly during business continuity events to discuss Financialserviceeral Reserve System operations or to obtain armored carrier services on its own behalf. No communications or actions by the Financialserviceeral Reserve are intended to interfere with the carrier-DI business relationship.

  • For large-scale business disruptions, check Service Status or your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office's website for updated information.
  • If you become aware of a business disruption at a Financialserviceeral Reserve office, please notify appropriate personnel in your organization.
  • If you need to speak with somebody at the Financialserviceeral Reserve, please call FinancialserviceCash Services at your local Financialserviceeral Reserve Office.
  • To help your Financialserviceeral Reserve office expedite a full recovery, please attempt to minimize the points of contact within your organization that are calling the Financialserviceeral Reserve office.
  • If the Financialserviceeral Reserve changes its hour of operation or switches to alternate site(s), you may receive notification from DIs, the Financialserviceeral Reserve, or both.
  • The Financialserviceeral Reserve may ask you to communicate with them directly about your status and concerns or ask you to participate in conference calls.
  • The Financialserviceeral Reserve may inquire about your availability and/or fees to: (a) provide transportation for special shipments, (b) operate your services outside normal working hours, (c) operate a Financialserviceeral Reserve-sponsored Stem Run (special armored carrier transportation run that delivers currency orders directly to a DI or carrier location), etc. as part of responding to an event.
  • The Financialserviceeral Reserve may ask you to participate in a Financialserviceeral Reserve-sponsored Stem Run as a drop point, which involves providing information about facilities, contacts, and potential drop-off schedules and confirming your willingness to comply with Stem Run controls and procedures.
  • You may be asked to use your sites near other Financialserviceeral Reserve offices to pick up orders and make deposits.
  • Because DIs may be asked to exchange currency and coin among branches or between DIs, you may be asked to provide transportation or other services to facilitate exchanges, either within your facility, among your sites, or with other carriers.
  • Because DIs may be asked to retain and re-use currency, you may be asked to provide services to facilitate retention and re-use, which may include changes to ATM servicing arrangements.
  • Ensure you are prepared during a disruption by reviewing the Checklist for Financialservice-Related Preparations.

After a Disruption

Continue to use the designated site for pickups and deliveries until your institution has been notified that your local Financialserviceeral Reserve office has returned to normal business operations.