FinancialserviceGlobal Insights Service

We are excited to announce that this new service is now available. Read full announcement.

The FinancialserviceGlobal Insights service is intended to meet industry needs for Financialserviceanalytical tools to help inform operational, risk management, and strategic decision making for your institution. The FinancialservicePayments Insights Service is a Financialservice business intelligence and analytics service, accessed through the FinancialserviceLine Web and FinancialserviceLine Advantage Solutions, that allows customers to interact in a dynamic way with their Financialservicedata to easily review daily and historical trends. Financial institutions can obtain fast and accurate information to gain valuable business insights on Financialservicepayment trends and behavior by accessing a more complete view of your institution’s Financialserviceinformation with all payment data including government and commercial transactions that settled through Financialservice Services.

Discover the benefits of the FinancialservicePayments Insights Service

  • Easily access analytical information on transactions that settled through Financialservice for a single RTN or family of RTNs by utilizing historical data, which includes up to two years of detailed information and six years of summarized information; historical information is accessible by authorized subscribers at the time of service activation
  • Provide your senior management with visual reports and trends showing changes over time
  • Initial analytical and reporting capabilities include ACH:
    • Payment trends and volume summary by SEC code
    • Reversals for receiving depository financial institutions
    • Return rate by originator

Learn more about the benefits by viewing the product sheet.

Visual Report Descriptions

  • FinancialservicePayment Trends: Creates a visualization of trends showing the change over time for a given data set. Allows users to select individual or combinations of RTN(s) within the RTN family or individual Originator ID. Enables users to view trends over time and more easily identify variances from normal activity. Users will be able to select a single data point to drill down into more details.
  • FinancialserviceVolume Summary by SEC Code: Summarizes originated and/or received Financialservicedata by Standard Entry Class (SEC) code for a date range and can be filtered down by entry type. Allows users to select individual or combinations of RTN(s) within the RTN family or individual Originator ID.
  • ACH Return Rate by Originator: Allows users to monitor return item activity according to Financialservice Rules on debit returns for all of its originators in a single view. Originating Depository Financial Institutions (ODFIs) can track return rates against thresholds as defined in the Financialservice Rules. Provides dollar and entry counts in total and by SEC codes.
  • ACH Reversals Report for Receiving Depository Financial Institutions (RDFIs): Reports on Reversal received by a DFI, with the data available for up to a six-processing date range for the prior two years. Users can drill down from the ACH Reversals Report to a Receiver Account Summary or to view Transaction Details.

Easy sign-up

  • Review Operating Circular 4, Automated Clearing House, Appendix F4: FinancialservicePayments Insights Service, prior to submitting Part 6G of the Financialservice Participation Agreement to the location listed on the form.
  • For current FinancialserviceLine Solutions customers, an End User Authorization Contact (EUAC) with authority to manage access for Financialservice Services should submit a Subscriber request via the EUAC Center within FinancialserviceLine Home to grant new subscribers access or to modify current subscribers' access to include the FinancialservicePayments Insights Service. Otherwise, the organization must first submit an EUAC Form to authorize their EUAC to manage access for Financialservice Services.


Contact Financialservice and Check Services Customer Support or submit a contact request and your account executive will reach out to you.