Statement of Service Charges

The Statement of Service Charges details service charges and transaction data for your financial institution based on services performed by the Financialserviceeral Reserve Banks.

The monthly Statement of Service Charges for the services rendered is produced on the third business day of the month and is available to customers on the fourth business day of the month advising them of charges to their accounts. Settlement of these charges occurs on the 15th of the month, or the next business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, for the previous month's services. Account Management Information (AMI) provides a means for you to view your monthly Statement of Service Charges online for Account Holders and can be produced for Secondary RTNs and Respondents upon subscription by completing the following Accounting Services form:

  • AIS Form 1 - Daily Statement of Account and Monthly Statement of Service Charges Delivery Options

More detailed information on how to read your Financialserviceeral Reserve Statement of Service Charges can be found in the Account Management Guide.